Friday, July 14, 2006

Still thinking....

about freedom...about free...
Why is that we have such a hard time with Free?......We always think there is a catch, we always think there is some hidden agenda...
I read a blog once where a lady and her friend had decided to have a Free Yard Sale...I guess that would be a Yard Free...haha
They wanted to give their stuff away rather than sell it....I know, novel idea...
What I found most interesting was the reaction of their patrons.
Said blogger reported that people asked repeatedly if the items were really free?
When assured that they were, the customers would either grab as much stuff as they could and hurry away or take one or two things furtively avoiding eye contact, as if they were actually stealing and didn't want anyone to see them.

Isn't this interesting??
Don't we treat God much the same way....spending most of our time looking for the catch, looking over our shoulders...feeling like we really should pay something?...some pennance? At least we should try really hard to "do good".
Or on the other end.... we take the freedom He offers and run with it as far as we dare....hoping and praying He really means it and will forgive us in the end...

I pass a florist on my way into work each day and sometimes, like now, they run a special promotion...If your name is __________ come in for a free flower. Today the name is you think ayone who is not named Bobbie will come in and ask for a free flower...Not on your life...

we subconsiciously think...I suppose from years of experience, that there must be a hidden price somewhere....
we must pay some penalty...even the florist requires us to have the correct name after all.

But the gift of God is truly FREE, us that is in actuality very pricy, but to is offered completly free...just ask...just receive....not only forgiveness from sin...oh no, that's only the beginning...the tip of the iceberg.
We are completely free...
from our past, from expectations, from our future, ...from our selves
we are free to soar in Him, explore Him and His love and be loved...

and yes, even free to sin...if we are foolish enough to....
He loves and forgives and accepts us...freely...always....
Of course we are also free to reap the consequences of our actions....and to find ourselves far from the freedom we originally embraced because sin enslaves...
but not to get off on sin...its well covered in church most Sundays...and I'd like to swing the pendulum the other way for a change.

In conclusion...(now you have your sermon for the week ;))
We are free in Christ, to love Him, to pursue Him, to know Him, to be one with Him, to experience Him in every strings attached....really.....

How free is free? Its as big as God Himself, as Free as He is..."because as He is, so are we in this life" I Jn 4:17


Tammy said...

So cool..and so true...we as Christians, though we know that there is nothing that we could do to re-pay Christ for His amazing sacrifice...many of us try to DO things in order to pay for that "freedom"...yet it truly is free...if we are willing to accept it. Yet we also wonder what the "catch" is...there is not catch...God loves us just the way we are, where we are...amazing isn't it, and yet in our humaness it's hard to accept and fathom...thanks for sharing this (excuse my mini-sermon there...geez.)

momteacherfriend said...

The first free sale was so powerful the Lord directed another one. It will be a week from today and the purging God is doing...incredible. You can read all about it on my blog. I completely agree with your post. Free free his gift to us. Freely you have recieved, freely give.

Ame said...

I love the continuing freedom I receive and experience in Christ!

Freedom to choose against God, too ... a "funny" little story ... my friend has been substituting in the middle school - a boy brought his chair up and sat next to her. He asked her, "Can I go out to the parking lot and smoke a joint?" And she replied, "Sure! You may go out to the parking lot and smoke a joint, and I'll call the principal and have him meet you out there!"

Gina said...

Once again reminded of the awsomeness (word?) of God's grace and the equally awesome indebtedness I owe. Thank you Cheryl. Bought with a price but now truly free! Bless His holy name.

Jason & Traci said...

Wonderful post! That will stick with me, I think.
I was imagining a church 'rummage sale'. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a 'free sale', offering the merchandise to the visitors with an explanation of grace?

Danielle said...

God is handing out FREE love and yet some cannot surrender the cost of self...or pride. Pride is worse than counterfiet money.

Nice post. It made me think of deeper issues within myself and the community of hearts I serve.

Heidi Grether said...

Our woundedness pounds in our head, reminding us of the lie that we are not worthy. Plus to recieve gifts is very humbling and leaves us indebted to the giver or the Giver. . .

These are why I think FREE is a hard concept to live out.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy my "sermon of the week" at your place :)...keep up the good work (s) :)

As always, thanks for stopping by my place and saying keeps me encouraged.

Goody said...

If the son has made us free than we are free indeed! And he has, we are! How many times I have used my freedom as an excuse for sin? Many! How many more? Many! I cannot shape my flesh up, I can only stay in the vine, hold fast to his people and let him BE! I love and miss you Cheryl!