Friday, August 19, 2005


I have some very special people in my life. They are my sisters..well I have lots of sisters, in the Lord, but these two I am thinking of are my flesh and blood. There is nothing like a sister who is also a sister! :)
They are both unique and wonderful in their own ways.

T is caring and honest and generous to a fault. She is funny and can really make you laugh with her stories. She is beautiful and always looks good no matter how much weight she gains or loses or what kind of a hair day she is having. :) I can count on her to be beside me through thick and thin and in all the highs and lows of her life she continues to hold tightly to her Lord. She knows that He will never leave her or forsake her even when the world throws her curves.
J is very beautiful(we're jealous, shes the youngest too) and fun and caring and a very good listener...:) As a matter of fact sometimes she listens til her head is spinning. :) She is incredibly patient and hospitable and full of wisdom...especially for a youngun. She also has stood with me through some of life's toughest moments and with a touch or word encourages me and reminds me that knowing the Lord is worth all.
I have a deep love for my sibs but I also have a high respect for them and their walks with the Lord. There just arent' any more like them! I love you 2!
and I miss you lots!
My Sisters-My Friends

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I *heart* having sisters! I think it's one of the greatest blessings in my life!!!