Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to deal?

How do I do this?  How to deal with frustrations and negative emotions toward someone I love...someone who seems less and less like me...more and more like the world....Can they not see the Truth?   Why do they insist on walking and talking less and less of Christ and more and more of the "other"...it is a strange place to be....to be in the middle....to love and to have shared so much life together...but now to find that you may not have so much in common as you once thought....that your paths may no longer run together...or even parallel...yet you can never be completely separated, the pain will be ongoing ....Very hard to know when to speak and when to be silent...all the while battling against the loss you are feeling....the displacement.....
I can only pray that this conclusion is wrong...that I do not see the big picture, that God is at work...that these shifts are not settling into lifestyle...that there is hope and strength in the foundation that has been laid.

Friday, November 09, 2012

My little ones

I am so thankful for the grandchildren God has brought into our lives.....our oldest granddaughter, Jbear...our only grandson, Gingerbread man...and our newest gift, Sbug...our 5 month old granddaughter....they truly are gifts and bring so much joy to our hearts.   God, you are wonderful!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

I voted.

So I did my civic duty today and voted....it was the first really cold smoke-blowing day we've had with a leaf stripping rain coming down from daybreak.....and what do I see, but dozens...no hundreds of coffee drinking, smart phone addicted, spoiled to central heat and air, never step outside except to get the mail or run to the grocery, city dwellers wading through puddles ankle deep, queuing up to patiently wait their turns...to vote.   It was awesome and I confess, I got a bit teary eyed when after 90 minutes my turn finally arrived to make my choices and cast my ballot.  What an amazing country we live in...and I am SO thankful for it!

Saturday, November 03, 2012


I am incredibly thankful for my amazing husband.  He has been Christ to me in so many ways, day after day after day...loving me, giving himself to me and our family, challenging me, wooing me...long after the first blush of our marriage....I often think that he is the reason I am saved...Not that he is God, but he has been God to me...over and over....and thorough him the Holy Spirit has been able to break through my blindness and walls and grow Jesus in me.   Thank you, Lord, for this man you have given me.  I am truly blessed!

Thursday, November 01, 2012


I think I will try and post...either here or on Facebook, something every day that I am thankful for during this season of Thanksgiving/November.    Today I am thankful for beautiful Autumn days, cool breezes and sunny days....
We have wonderful Autumns in the South....brilliant skies and bright foliage...much of which hasn't even begun to change here near the city.  We have extremely pleasant weather for much of it...with temps ranging from the 30s at night to 60-70 degrees during the day.  I love sitting on my front porch in the afternoons with the sun beating on me, warming me to my bones....delicious!   Soon the rain will come and wash away the beautiful leaves...soon the air will chill, too much to enjoy the porch but for now.... I will be thankful for God's goodness in Autumn.

" To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"   

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Great Joy

I don’t really have very strong feelings these days…I don’t have angst over bills or material possessions or religion or politics.  I rarely get angry or even frustrated anymore, I don’t get the blues… …I also do not poignantly feel happiness, peace, excitement, joy… its very tranquil in my life most of the time so it’s kind of boring I guess and I don’t know why this is except that my hormone level is decreasing…I suppose that can account for some of it.  Our life moves at a pretty even keel nowadays so there just doesn’t’ seem to be the highs and lows of emotion anymore.  Sometimes I miss it….the highs, that is…definitely not the lows!

I have three beautiful children, each of them talented and special in their own ways.  They have always made me proud to be their mom.  When they were small it was such a hectic time…as anyone with small children can attest, the days are long and harried and you feel as if you are trapped in some sort of time warp where it will never end.  But it does end; the babies grow in to children, then teens, then young adults, then, by God’s help, into mature adults with families of their own.  They choose friends and colleges and careers and spouses and hopefully, they choose the God they have been raised with.  At some point, the decision making and responsibility for them slips out of your hands and into their own.  It is a hard place to be…left behind…and yet it is liberating as well.  Seeing them struggle and learn and grow as adults and watching as the God that they may or may not have chosen yet, pursues them.  It is a beautiful thing to see and reminds me of His pursuit of me once upon a time and even still.

 I never really stopped long enough while raising my children, to fully enjoy them…there was always something needing attending to and looking back I think that is sad.  They and I have out grown that thankfully and I can now devote more specific attention to them and to their children, more focused attention.  There has come a point in our lives together that I can say whole heartedly that I enjoy them, I enjoy their children, I enjoy being with them and talking with them and doing pretty much anything with them and their families.  The hard work of raising them has passed and now there is a measure of rest… for me anyway.   It is a good time in life, a time to appreciate all that God has blessed me with.

Suddenly today I had a surprising revelation, what has probably been obvious all along for those looking on…
My children and consequently their children bring me joy. 
No, more than that, GREAT JOY…. they FILL me with Joy!  I am overwhelmed by this feeling, this emotion…and grateful…SO grateful, to feel it so deeply and strongly today.

THIS DAY…  I feel JOY, for my children and my grandchildren…they have filled my heart to overflowing!

Thank you, Lord.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Cathedrals of the heart

I enjoyed a busy weekend with several hours spent digging and planting flowers in the rain.  It was just right rain...the kind that is gentle and warm with no storms or breezes to chill me.   The ground was so dry that even after a while of raining it was still crusty underneath the first few inches.  As I stayed and stayed, getting my pots re-potted and my summer flowers pulled up or cut back I got more and more soaked...reveling in the quiet stillness and in getting muddy.   There was nothing to hear and no one moving about only the rain and an occasional squirrel until at last I retired to the house, exhausted and soaked to the skin, for a nice hot shower and some dinner.
There is nothing like being in God's creation, so refreshing with gentle nature sounds allowing my spirit to relax and rest even though my body was working hard.  There is something healing about being alone with God in His creation... I can see why so many feel as if they have fellow-shipped with Him just by being out in nature...and maybe they have. There is a unique link between God and the beauty of this world He has made.   Even in small places where the man made intrudes it can be a moment out side of time...like a great cathedral filled with the hushed silence of centuries of worshipers....the breeze, rain or waves fading the world away so that you can hear His creation praising Him in its own way....the way He has told it to worship.
 The only other place I can think that God has made on this earth besides the great outdoors is the fellowship of His saints....in the best scenarios saints gather to give Him glory, uplifting one another in the process.  Our spirits were designed to function, perhaps best, in the places that God has made....we appreciate so little of that in our modern day....time is so hurried and rushed... and sometimes we really need to just be....and to be on His terms so as to nourish our spirits and souls......in nature or with His people.... in cathedrals of the heart both seen and unseen....places not made by human hands...