Monday, November 13, 2006

Warning...not a particularly uplifitng post.....

Ok. ..I just lost my entire post! I was saying...I had a kinda crappy weekend....
Oh, it looked pretty good from a distance...
a party...
the opera...
but it is the oil in between that determines whether a thing is good or not ....
Let me preface this by saying that we, my hubby and i, had a hectic week last week starting on Tues....
He had a lot of extra holiday work...I worked a lot too....on Thurs I drove an hour to mingle for an hour and a "work party" thing with no decent hor'derves in sight...then an hour home...
On Sat I spent the afternoon shopping and running errands and not eating much....hubby was running late for work soooo...forgot his phone so..... no communication after 3pm ...
I arrived home at 7pm starved...can't start dinner til hubby arrives (remember he forgot his phone...he has this is key...I can't start anything for dinner) did I mention I'm starving...he shows up at 7:30...starving...I'm grouchy and tired and hungry...he's grouchy and tired and hungry...sparks fly...and not the romantic kind either...(I'm sure you have no experience with this kind of thing...)
Sunday dawns...hubby goes bike riding...I try to relax...we have tickets for the opera...the Barber of Seville is is a very nice I can say I've been to the opera and I didn't even fall asleep thought I was tempted at first....
right after the opera we head for Sears..they are having their "Friends and Family" night where I get additional food inbetween..hubby can't do fast food and nothing else is fast enough or cheap enough....
We do our shopping at high speed...not much fun but we do get a few things done....we are now starving...again...
Home and dinner by 9pm...we are grouchy and tired again...attitudes are everywhere again... as you can see, not the ingredients for a relaxing fun weekend...
So I suppose the "oil" in this case would have been more rest....more space between stuff...and MORE FOOD!
Does anyone see a spiritul lesson here??
So today we begin again....hubby is off...perhaps he will rest...
I will be home early...we will have dinner at a decent time....a few things could get done around the house....perhaps there will be oil....who could happen...

11 comments: said...

Oh I HEAR ya sister! We have had a runningjoke for almsot 35 years about keeping raw meat and throwing it and DH when he is hungry - he has low blood sugar. So dinner is always ready to eat/be microwaved and if he has had a bad shift - where he had to sleep and I had to be quiet ( as in could'n cook, we are out the door to get something. Funny howlife is still hectic WITHOUT kids. Hope you day goes better - ours should be peaceful and dinner will be on the table at 5 - life is good... said...
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Admin said...

You know...there are just those times, aren't there?

Definitely spiritual lessons.

But mostly, here's a hug, and prayers for a better week! :o)

TJ said...

I'm very, very, cranky without regular intervals of good food!! So, I know the feeling, but if Hubby really wants to make me madder he will say, "You need to eat you grumpy thing you!" Firecrackers fly honey forget the sparks...hehe!!
Hope this next week and week-end is way better for you!!

Gigi said...

I'm with Joni.....but then I had Crab Legs for supper Saturday nite:)

Kimber said...

Oh no!!! I am so with ya sister - as you can tell by my post - think you had it worse - wink :( Sorry girl!!!

Spiritual Lessons??? UH??? Maybe we both need a good dose of LAUGHTER and to keep a LIGHT heart :) And to hang onto, "THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!!"

Hoping this week is much better :) And may the Grace of Gladness fill you even when all you want to do is be grouchy :) I've been there!! And I need that grace too!

Pat said...

"A Merry Heart Does Good Like A Medicine"...till then eat chocolate, in a bubble bath, sing really loudly to your favorite music and let last weekend wash down the drain when you pull the plug!!!

Anonymous said...

Nope, never happens to me ;)....
Seems I hear from this post that we need to be fed....whether physically or spiritually...and if we don't pay attention to all fall I close?????
Here's hoping that today went in the world did we function without cell phones....I absolutely hate when my husband forgets his...or better yet...he calls me from his car....I call back....but he has the radio turned up so darn loud he can't hear the cell phone ring!!!

Tammy said...

Well...that IS a hectic weekend. Nope never had one of those (ducking before the lightning bolt hits). Hope you and hubby are able to relax and unwind a bit tonight. Prays out to ya sister!

BekABoo said...

Pooh for Dad. Start enojoying the season! You'll get to see some family soon! Hopefully we will be a part of that 'family' Love you!

Mrs. Mac said...

Overworked and underfed ... not a nice mix. Sometimes weekends can get overscheduled without meaning to.