It seems like only the other day, I was pregnant on Christmas, living in Alabama....we had a fire in the fireplace on Christmas morning and had to put it out and open the doors by noon because it was so warm. I wasn't due until Jan.16th so no huge baby rush was on...we had been caught up in the Christmas season and hadn't had much time to focus on new baby with 2 little ones already running around. Suddenly only 4 days after Christmas, our third child decides to make her appearance....this was before the days of multiple ultrasounds so we had no scientific idea of the sex of our baby...but I was sure it was a boy. I had felt the same confidence on our first two and had been correct so I was very shocked when Dr M. announced that our new little one... was a girl. What?? are you sure?? I asked several times, in the muddled state of a woman just giving birth. :-) Yes, indeed...he was sure....we had a beautiful little girl. We named her Kathryn Alayne which means Pure Light and she has indeed been a source of pure light and joy ever since.

In those days the traditional hospital stay was 3 days.....before we got home with her the weather had changed, in typical Alabama style, to 10 degrees, and we were iced and snowed in for a week after bringing her home. Her siblings had the flu just before and her dad caught it just in time to welcome Katy home...and a fun time was had by all...lol....well it was memorable at the least. :)
She has since grown to be a beautiful young woman who is stopped on the street by talent agents and model recruiters. She is a wonder in business and has landed an incredible job, putting herself well on her way to a profitable career. She is also a fabulous mommy to my equally as beautiful Jadabear.

I love you Katybug, my joyful surprise! Mom & Dad are SO proud of who you have grown up to be! HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!